Love Letter to Alden Richards This World Ocean’s Day

In the realm of gastronomic allure, there are ads that make you go “meh” and there are ads that provoke. And then there’s Alden Richards’ sexy Century Tuna commercial which leaves me torn between salaciousness and repulsion. This is a puzzle that warrants further exploration.

First, let’s lavish praise upon the deserving Alden. He knows his business and he plays his cards right. He definitely knows the art of catching the audience’s attention and his Century Tuna ad is one of those vehicles. In it, he radiates strength, confidence, and proudly showcases his exquisitely sculpted abs while relishing a succulent tuna feast. The combo of his smouldering gaze and his saccharine dimples may be enough to make even the most steadfast vegans question their chosen path.

Everywhere I go, I see Alden Richards

But let us delve into the heart of the matter: should he really partake in this pescetarian indulgence? We find ourselves in an era where the perils of plastic waste and overfishing and its ecological reverberations ripple through our collective consciousness. Alden treads a treacherous path, where his pursuit of a fit physique collides with the palpable environmental repercussions of the fishing industry.

Yes. We are well acquainted with how the fishing industry promotes fish as excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. However, have we really looked at the alternatives? Lentils, chickpeas, tofu, and other plant-based options are available and should provide Alden with the necessary nutrients without contributing to the depletion of our teetering marine ecosystems. Perhaps it is time for him to recalibrate his culinary compass and explore the possibilities of a fish/animal-free diet.

Before Alden’s admirers come at me with their sharpened pitchforks, I do acknowledge that dietary choices are personal. Yet, when one possesses the power to influence crows, contemplating the broader ramifications is imperative. Alden Richards, blessed with his undeniable charisma and immense fan bases, has the potential to champion sustainable habits.

(And no, I don’t mean confining it to ocean clean-ups. That’s a palliative solution to the plastic waste in the ocean. But that’s another story.)

Imagine a future where Alden forsakes his enticing tuna dishes in favour of tantalizing vegan creations. Envision him relishing a mouthwatering plant-based burger or savouring an alluring vegan tuna sandwich, artfully crafted to emulate the flavours and textures of its piscine counterpart. This vision would surely elicit collective swoons from both his devotees and the planet at large.

But let us not cast aside the proverbial fish with the bathwater just yet. Alden Richards’ Century Tuna ad should serve as a wake-up call for us all, reminding us of the allure of a toned physique, the persuasive power of effective marketing, and the necessity to reassess our dietary choices amidst these environmental concerns.

No tuna was harmed in this sandwich.

So, Alden, we offer our resounding applause for your scorching Century Tuna ad. Undeniably catchy, it has left an indelible impression in the realm of advertising. Yet, perchance it is time to reel in your fishy gastronomy and embrace a more sustainable approach. Who knows? Your actions may ignite a transformative change, resonating not only within the entertainment industry but also influencing our gastronomic landscapes.

In the meantime, we shall remain vigilant for your next move, Alden. Shall it be a maritime feast or a botanical banquet? The choice rests in your hands, while the world eagerly anticipates the delicious unfolding of your culinary journey.

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