Meat Is Murder: Go Vegan!

A Vegan Revolution in the Philippines 

I stepped into the vegan world back in the early 90s, my heart singing to the tune of The Smiths’ “Meat is Murder.” While others dipped their toes into plant-based waters, I cannonballed right in! It wasn’t an easy choice. Then, no one understood what veganism meant. 

Declining the flesh of dead pigs, cows, and chickens – people would offer fish and other seafood instead. 

But times have changed! I never thought it would be possible. Even as recent as 2005, vegan choices were limited.  Now, with plant-based cheese and meat dancing in the aisles, it’s a delightful fiesta of choices. 

Savouring Filipino Plant-Based Delights 

Before we set sail on this compassionate voyage, let’s indulge in the mesmerizing world of plant-based Filipino dishes. Our culinary heritage is akin to a beloved teleserye, unfolding with delicious twists and turns. From the tangy embrace of sinigang to the rich embrace of pinakbet, our dishes serenade our palates with a harmonious chorus of flavours that never fade. 

Nurturing Ourselves with Plant-Powered Magic 

As Pinoys, we know the power of hearty, soul-warming meals that envelop us with comfort. Going vegan doesn’t mean bidding adieu to our beloved dishes, oh no, bes! It’s a culinary makeover that catapults them into superhero status! Witness the enchanting dance of gata (coconut milk) and the umami sway of mushrooms, creating new stars in our gastronomic galaxy.

Safeguarding the Planet: A Green Legacy 

The call to action is clear as day – going vegan is a testament to our love for our planet. Animal agriculture plays a significant role in environmental degradation, contributing nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Who would’ve thought this figure could outshine the entire transportation sector? But that’s not all; it’s a gripping saga of using nearly 70% of agricultural land, a path strewn with deforestation, biodiversity loss, and water pollution. Ah, the undeniable impact of our dietary choices!

A Compassionate Serenade to All Living Beings 

Compassion courses through our Filipino veins like a melodious symphony. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, we extend that bayanihan spirit to our furry and feathered friends. Let the heartrending image of a roasted baby pig be your constant reminder to embrace deliciously satisfying vegan adobo instead!

Filipino Vegan Delights: A Culinary Overture 

Now, let’s celebrate the crescendo of flavours that make our taste buds sing with joy – the food!

1. Kare-Kareng Gulay: In this vegan Kare-Kare, the baka (beef) may be on holiday, but the creamy peanut sauce dances like a seasoned pro! More vegan bagoong, please!

2. Leche Flan de Vegan: Smooth and creamy, this plant-based Leche Flan will leave you wondering why it took you so long to meet this diva of desserts! Best part? No mooing cows are involved in this showstopper!

3. Ginisang Monggo: Embrace the comforting embrace of Ginisang Monggo, a friend always ready to comfort your heart. Now with extra love and minus the chicharon on top – a lighter version that still sparks smiles.

These are only a short list of the many possibilities and there are dishes that can be easily veganised. 

A Joyful Ode to Filipino Veganism 

As we bid adieu to this flavourful journey, let’s remember that our vegan adventure is more than just the food; it’s a love letter to our culture, compassion, and our beautiful Philippines. So, mga kababayan, let’s keep our laughter echoing and continue our voyage to a compassionate and sustainable lifestyle, one delicious veggie lumpia at a time! With humour and love, our Filipino vegan adventure will leave a lasting impression, like a cherished teleserye in our hearts. Mabuhay!


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