
Picture this: Lyon, France, June 2nd, 1975. Around 100 sex workers stormed into the Saint-Nizier Church to protest against the relentless discrimination and violence they suffered at the hands of the police. That day marked the birth of a powerful social movement, and the date would become a symbol of hope and advocacy for the rights of sex workers all over the world.

Fast forward to today, and sex workers are still fighting for their rights. In most countries, sex work is considered a criminal and moral offense, leaving workers vulnerable to danger and abuse. But let’s talk about something positive – pasta!

This week, I indulged in spaghetti a la puttanesca, a dish with a legendary name that supposedly originates from sex workers using its aroma to lure in clients. Whether that’s true or not, what matters to me is that this dish is easy to prepare, has perfectly balanced flavors, and looks stunning with its mix of red sauce, black olives, and green capers.

a plate of spaghetti a la puttanesca

And guess what? It’s already vegan! While some recipes call for anchovies, the original from Naples didn’t have any. So I grabbed a pot, some spaghetti, tomatoes, garlic, capers, olives, red pepper flakes, and salt, and cooked up a storm in honour of International Sex Workers’ Day.

The red umbrella is the adopted symbol of sex workers’ rights.

Now, I know a pasta dish won’t change the world’s view on sex work. But what I can do is use this platform to voice my support for sex workers.

  • I believe that consenting adults have the right to engage in any sexual activity they choose, whether for free or for pay.
  • And they deserve to do so in a safe and healthy environment, free from discrimination.
  • At the end of the day, sex work is just like any other job, and those who choose to do it deserve respect and protection.

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